Our Love Story: Part III

Read parts one and two here and here

So after our break up, we didn't last very long before we started to talk again. We even had to resume our Skype sessions under the guise of Leland helping Nannette and me with our statistics homework ha. By the end of April we were getting close to the end of the semester and making summer plans. I think it was around this time that we decided to officially get back together. During all of this I prayed a lot, I really wanted to know if Leland was the one I should be with and if it was worth pursing a long distance relationship with him. Ultimately, after a lot of searching, I felt like it was worthwhile to continue the relationship, but I felt like I had to see him again in person before making any decisions about marriage.

During the summer Leland stayed in Austin and continued working at Wendy's where he had been working. After our visit in February he started working out and lost a lot of weight. I guess he thought he had to win me back ha. I went home for the summer, and try as  I might I could not find a job. So I spent the summer driving my younger siblings around and being soooo bored most of the time. Little did I know it was the last time in my life I would ever be bored ha. We planned a trip for Leland to come to Utah in June to see me and meet my family. That was the one thing I looked forward to during all my boredom.

Leland had been to Utah many times to visit family, and fun fact: he served his mission in SLC. When he finally came he flew into Salt Lake and we spent time there before driving down south to my parent's house. We went to temple square and he showed me some places from his mission, apartments he lived in and the candy shop where he met President Monson.

We celebrated my 19th birthday while he was there and went to Zion's National Park, Kannarville Falls, Grafton, and Lagoon before he had to leave. It was great to spend time in person. I feel like all the talking we did every day laid the foundation for our relationship but spending time in person really solidified our feelings for each other. 

Around this time we started talking about getting married. My sister Kylee got married in July of that year so we were all in wedding mode. Even though my parent's seemed to like Leland I was worried about what they would think of us getting married. When we first discussed getting married it was to get married the following summer, after Leland had graduated, and to live in Provo while I finished school at BYU. Well, as time went on, the next summer seemed really far away. We planned another trip in August for me to see him. By the time the trip happened, we came up with a new plan. To be married that December during Christmas break, because we both didn't want to wait anymore. 

To be continued... Check back tomorrow and I will post the final part!


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