2021 Week Six

 This last week I was 34 weeks pregnant and I just hit a wall. Feeling so exhausted, very uncomfortable, not sleeping well, a bit of nausea returning and feeling like I still had a very long time to endure it all. Maybe I was getting sick or something? I don't know, I just didn't feel great, I still don't but maybe slightly better now. I felt the same way the last month of Israel's pregnancy, and I've heard pregnancy gets harder each time so maybe it's just that, plus end of winter cabin fever setting in. Also it's hard feeling like I can't really prepare because I feel like I need to move all of Baby Boys stuff out before I can move the new baby's things in. (His stuff is all kept in our room.) Baby Boy is scheduled to reunify when I'm 38+ weeks, so I'll just be waiting until then to get everything washed and prepped. 

Anyways some pictures from this week. 

Always trying to figure out baby's position, Luckily he/she has been head down for many weeks now. 

Adele has started reading! She can sound out 2-3 letter words and read little stories that came with her workbook and she just loves it. 

Found these two like this one night, this is a toddler bed ha. 

We went to nature group this week and it was so nice! The weather was beautiful, the kids loved playing and exploring with a big group of kids of all ages. While they were playing Adele ran up to me and told me "These kids believe in pioneers!" ha  apparently pioneers are as mythical as fairies and mermaids. She was very delighted to have other kids that like playing pioneers. 

Bad picture, but Esther was so thrilled that this peacock opened it's tail for us. She was amazed and stood by the cage staring for a good ten minutes. 

We also had a valentines party with friends from Forest School this week. When I first started homeschooling I was sad that our kids would miss out on things like class parties. Maybe it is pregnant me, but now I honestly am glad now! I spend two hours putting 132 valentines together. It was the worst. They had fun at the park playing with the other kids and exchanging valentines and then we came home with 100 pencils and sticker packs. Apparently candy is out and pencils are in. I didn't get the memo. 

Last Saturday we went to the Ice Castles. We went for the first time a couple of years ago. (this post)
And afterwards we went to lunch at the train restaurant in Heber. 

The kids enjoyed the ice castles, until the end when  they were all done. Except Esther, she could have stayed for hours. The ice castles are kind of expensive but  I think they are so pretty and a fun place to visit  in the winter every few years. 

I found this dresser at the DI for $20, great condition and it matched the boys room already. 

Julian and I had a little date last Friday. We went to an eye appointment for him, to Menchies and to the DI. He has to get surgery on his eyes. It's sad but since we have already gone the surgery route twice with Esther it's not as scary this time around. He's scheduled to have the surgery just before the baby is due, so I hope it all goes well. If anyone's child has ever had the strabismus surgery I'd love to hear about your experience! I'm hoping it won't be too bad for him. 


  1. Love that I found your blog!! We had a homeschool Valentine's day party too and I felt the same way- not sad to miss that sort of thing on a regular basis! And you look beautiful, congratulations on the new babe coming!!


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