Israel 2.5

 I have been so bad at blogging lately! I don't have time to catch up on everything, but I decided I'll just do a post about each of us and what we're up to. Starting with Israel because he is the one who seems to be growing up right before my eyes!

A couple weeks ago, Israel decided he was ready to potty train. It started at the airbnb where he went #2 on the potty and  I thought it was kind of a fluke, but then he kept doing it once we got home and then he started ripping off all diapers and demanding to be naked. We coaxed him into wearing underwear and decided to go ahead and train him since he was insisting on it. He has done so good! It has been slower going, but I knew that's how it goes when kids potty train a little younger. We have still usually been putting him in diapers when we leave the house but he is probably just about ready to wear underwear full time except for naps and night time. 

I feel like he has really started showing his personality since he turned 2. His talking took off about then and he just keeps talking and talking and talking. It looks like we have another little chatterbox on our hands. :) He is very emotional and very expressive about his emotions just like Adele. When he doesn't want to nap and I put him in his crib anyways, he will climb out and then yell through the locked door "I not sleeping! I just crying!!". When he really wants something he can't have he will say "yeah" then if I still don't give in he will reiterate "I SAY YEAH!" He is already very stubborn and loves to get into arguments with anyone about anything. Him and Julian go at it often ha. He will often say " I sad, I sad" and the same goes for when he is having fun, he will shout "Yay! This fun! I love it!" haha. 

I know I'm probably biased, but he seems so smart! Maybe it's just because now he can put words to all his thoughts. He will ask a lot of "why" questions like I would expect a 4 or 5 year old to. He often says "cause why?" whenever I tell him something. He also is always surprising me with his vocabulary everyday. Today he was wearing one of the girls mermaid tails and yelling "Look at me! I swimming underwater!"

I can't believe how stubborn and persistent he is about things. It makes me it really hard not to give into him about everything because I know he will throw an epic tantrum anytime he doesn't get what he wants. Luckily he is a little more reasonable now so he can sometimes be reasoned with. We take a lot of time outs though, where I rock him in the rocking chair until he is calm and ready to continue whatever we are doing. 

Israel loves all his siblings and plays with all of them well. He probably plays with Adele the most because she seeks him out. He plays with Julian a lot too, but their play almost always turns to rough housing/fights. Probably how it will be for many years haha. 

I weaned Israel at the end of July, when I started getting bad morning sickness. I was a little sad but it was time. He did pretty well with the change and now we just rock to sleep. And of course I have to take a million pictures of my little wild child sleeping like an angel. :)

Israel has always had such expressive eyes, how can I resist this face!

Despite his stubbornness he is pretty obedient especially when following the lead of the other kids. He loves playing outside and always says "No go home!" he is definitely not a homebody ha. He has started playing pretend more often and it's adorable. I love this stage. 

Israel loves Mickey Mouse (when I had morning sickness he watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse every single morning), Little Bear, dinosaurs, diggers, mermaids, trains and anything chocolate. :) We call him cookie monster because he LOVES all sweets especially cookies. 

I just love him, I'm so glad I get to be his mom. 


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