Julian Turns 6

 Packed in the middle of our busy birthday season Julian turned 6.  6! I can't believe it! 6 is so big and since he came to us right after he turned 3, he's been with us now as long as he was with his first family. It's hard and sad to think about those first three years that we didn't have with him, we missed out on so much, so much. We are so glad to have the time that we have had with him, and forever to go! Julian really has grown so much since we first met him at age 3! He's come so far and overcome so much. He hardly seems the same child when I think back to those early pandemic days when I picked up a traumatized little boy from the Christmas Box house mid-March 2020 . 

Julian has been very independent and responsible from the first day we met him. He is always the first child dressed each day and the most likely one to complete their chores. He loves helping and is really capable for a 6 year old, I have to struggle not to take advantage of his helpfulness and willingness ha. Julian also loves physical activity, running, hiking, climbing, jumping and riding his bike. He's a lot to contain in the house sometimes so I'm glad we have a much bigger house and yard now! We haven't done much for school yet, as he still had some catching up to do before he was ready, but lately he has been showing a lot of interest and we've been gently starting to learn letters and numbers. Julian LOVES books and stories. He also loves music. He has a very vivid imagination and can dive into an imaginary world in .2 seconds ha. He loves his brothers and sisters and is usually happy to play with any of them. He loves the gospel and knows the scripture stories like the back of his hand, which the girls do too, but he makes sure everyone knows how smart he is ha! He also loves President Nelson and likes to bring him into any conversation we are having, ha I love it. Julian is a sweet boy and  I am so grateful to be his mama. 

Julian choose a PJ masks themed birthday despite never having seen the show except for maybe 1 or 2 times at someone else's house ha. He also choose to go to the trampoline park for his birthday activity, of which I only managed to get a few mediocre pictures, but fun was had by all. 


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