October 25-31 2021

Forest School got more and more breathtaking each week that we went this fall. I loved all the leaves all over the ground. 

I wanted a solo picture of Moses, but Israel had other plans. 

Israel insisted on wearing shorts to this outing, even though it was 40 degrees. I didn't want the battle so I let him, natural consequences and all that... 

I got an oil lamp that used to be my dad's. Anything vintage the girls are obsessed with so they enjoyed lighting and keep wondering when the power will go out so we can use it for reals. 

My chunky boy. 

All of October I felt like I'm playing catch up. We finally got pumpkins the week of Halloween. In my defense it kept raining anytime we planned to go. 

 A tiny boy with a tiny pumpkin. 

A big boy with a big pumpkin. 

When someone gives us hand me down star wars pajamas you do not give those precious things to your baby brother even if they are size 18 month. 

All dressed up for the Halloween trunk or treat at the church. They went with a "spooky theme and were a cat, a pumpkin, a witch, a robot and a skeleton. They wanted Julian to be Frankenstein but we already had the robot costume so I made a case that robots can be spooky too. 

Moses was woken up from his nap so he is a little cranky and confused. I love his little faces. 

The girls make art like this all on their own. Art is the one subject  I don't have to worry about because they make art all day everyday. 

We painted our pumpkins a couple days before Halloween. Israel demanded I paint Jack and Sally from nightmare before Christmas on his. 

The fall leaves were so beautiful this year, I appreciated them so much. 

The day before Halloween we finally made it to the pumpkin patch + activities. I loved that evening lighting before daylight savings time ended. 

Leland says I write about him online too much. I contend that I don't write about him enough! He does so much for us, here is mowing while watching all the kids and carrying Israel on his back. 

For Halloween dinner I made us chili in a pumpkin. I suppose I overestimated the size of the pumpkin needed. It also took so long to make that it made us late for trick or treating. Ah well, it was delicious so that's all that matters. 

The single blurry photo I took of trick or treating. 

The Sunday after Halloween, which actually was the 31st, the kids had the primary program. Not Israel, since he is still in  nursery. The others though. They did good for only being back in primary since summertime. I can't believe how big they are all getting. 

Haircut day 

And Moses. He turned 7 months old. That's when my other babies hit their peak of chubbiness. So here he is in all his glory. 

He could not figure out getting up on all fours,  for the longest time he just did planks and pushups. Strong little guy. 


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