2021 Week Twelve

Baby BOY joined our family this week! I was so surpised! He came on his due date and he was NOT a girl!! I am waiting for my photographer to be done with the pictures before I write his birth story, but here are his stats.

Moses Roy Hunt

Born March 21 2021

at 2:27am

8lbs 9oz, 21.5 inches

He was born at home and in the water (my first water birth), I caught him myself (!) and the kids slept through the whole things. It was so so hard but so so beautiful and peaceful. 

The kids all got to meet him the next morning and it was so precious. The girls were not at all disappointed he wasn't a girl. They have been so in love since they first laid eyes on him and it's been so adorable to witness. 

The boys have been less interested than the girls but still adore him as well. We haven't had any jealousy, yet. They've all taken the change really well. 

The day after he was born, Kylee came over to see him and take some pictures of him. 

Israel meeting him for the first time. 

He was a little jaundiced at two days old so we got him some sunshine. 

He was born with his ears all squished up. It's adorable. 

One of his first cloth diapers. 

I've been spending the first week in bed just like I've planned to. It's been really nice and I'm grateful for Leland taking care of everything else so I can rest. 

With some of the stimulus money I finally bought myself a DSLR camera. I have been wanting one since Esther was born and I am so glad to have one now! I hardly know what I'm doing at all, but luckily I have the cutest subjects to practice on. Really though taking a million pictures is the only way I can cope with how fast it all goes by. I know Moses is going to be walking and talking before I know it. This blog helps me organize and document everything so get ready for many many photos. :)

Cousins Brooks and McKay meeting Moses for the first time. 

My parents came up to see Moses and brought Julian this batman mask for his birthday. He loves it and it's pretty funny. 

Matching faces haha. 

The kids have all been so helpful. They are actually old enough to help a little now and it's been great. 

This picture is blurry but I just love that it captures a little of the chaos of 5 kids. 

I'm been feeling so grateful and blessed about how the birth went, and about what a blessing Moses is to us. I know he was sent to us at this time where we are still grieving the loss of Baby Boy and already he has healed my heart so much. I just love him to pieces. It feels surreal that he is here, all those months of pregnancy and sometimes it is hard to believe that you're really going to get a baby. But here he is! Straight from heaven, such a beautiful blessing. 


  1. Congratulations! What a beautiful baby! I'm glad the kids stayed asleep for you during the birth. Wishing you an easy recovery and lots of time and rest for enjoying the early days.

    1. Thank you! I was worried about what to do with the kids and it ended up going perfectly.


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