2021 Week Nine

The sun came out this week! It finally felt like spring and we all enjoyed it. We spent a lot of time in the backyard. Our backyard was one of the main reasons we bought this house. It is kind of messy and chaotic but I love that the kids have so much to do out there. 

On Thursday was Esther's birthday. I can't believe she is 7! She is so big and grown up. But she still has that childhood magic in her heart and it feels like just the perfect age. She still loves mermaids and all things oceans. She loves fairies and regularly corresponds with the fairies who visit our backyard. She loves any physical activity like swimming, swinging and biking. She also loves art and is very creative at crafting and building things, along with drawing. She is a very good helper and is almost always happy. Her desire for fun can wear me out at times, ha but she is easily pleased by simple things like making cookies. Sometimes I just want to freeze her at this age but  I know she is just going to get more fun as she gets older. 

We went swimming for her birthday activity instead of having a party like she normally does. She could swim all day and hopefully this summer we will  be able to go more.  

I had to document the kids clean room. This is a rare occurrence ha. After Baby Boy leaves we will move Julian back in with Israel, so we won't have three in a room much longer. 

Someday I'll miss these cute little toy scenes set up around the house.

Israel loves mermaids almost as much as Esther. 

Esther found this dead bird and had to take a picture of it with my phone to identify it using google lense. RIP spotted towhee. The girls gave him a proper burial in our bird/mouse cemetery. 

Leland's brother Kent came to visit and brought his puppy. 

Feeling huge lately, and this baby is so low! Even my midwife noticed and said it is a distinct difference from my normal "floating" babies at the end of pregnancy. It probably won't mean an earlier delivery but I'm hoping it makes for a shorter labor. 

Last Saturday we went on a family walk/bikeride to the library and the park. It was hopefully the last day we will need coats and hats!



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