Nine Months with Israel

Isri man is nine months old now! A lot has changed for him this month. The biggest being sleeping through the night! 🎉🎉🎉
After M left we slowly transitioned him into his own bedroom and sleeping in a crib at night. It took about 3 weeks but he eventually started sleeping longer and longer stretches until he did one 12 hour night last week. Most the time he still wakes up once or twice but it is loads better than he used to be. I feel so amazing even if I get a 6 hour strech of sleep haha.

Israel still nurses every 4 hours or so but he has also really taken to solid foods this month. He loves to feed himself and gets angry if we spoon feed him. He usually just eats whatever we're having and loves it all. I still want him having breastmilk until at least 12 months so I just give him tablefoods twice a day. Otherwise I'm pretty sure he'd be content to wean right now since he seems like the least attached to breastfeeding of my kids so far. 

As I mentioned in my last post he has been sick these past couple of weeks. He has handled it well though. He weighed 26lbs (<99th%) and was 29.5 inches (90th%) at his 9 month check up. His head circumference was in the 80th% He is our big baby. I could barely snap this 24 month onesie around his cloth diaper. For reference, Adele is 33lbs so he is catching up. 

I'm not sure if it's teething or just age but Israel gets so mad lately. He threw a big fit when I wouldn't let him eat the letters on the letter board. If the girls take a toy or he drops his food we hear about it haha. 

He isn't crawling yet but he is a big mover. I could barely get him to hold still for these pictures. He army crawls all around the house and loves to stand but can't pull himself up yet. I think he will probably be like Leland and not walk until he is 15 months old ha. Which I'm fine with but I'll need to get a better baby carrier because he is sooooo heavy. He also doesn't babble too much yet, but he does laugh at everything. He is at the stage of putting everything in his mouth. I have to be constantly vigilant about keeping the floors clean. 

He has developed some stranger danger, especially if we are at someone else's house. He will cry if people try to talk to him. He also cries if he's left alone too long. He does love being outside, playing with the girls and toys and finally likes splashing in the bath now. 

He looks like such a big boy to me in these pictures. His hair is getting thicker and darker and soon he will be wearing all toddler clothes. I love his chub and I hope it sticks around for a long time. 
He is still the cutest little angel baby and we all just love him. 

Adele at 9 months HERE
Esther at 9 months HERE


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