Six Months with Israel

 On Sunday Israel had his half birthday, 6 months old already! He is the sweetest little boy. It feels like we've had him forever and also like he was just born.

Israel is still a chubster. He weighs 22lbs 5oz (99th%) is 27.5 inches (80th%) and a 17.5 inch head (80th%). He wears size 18-24 months in shirts and onesies and 12-18 months in pants. He wears size 4 diapers but will probably be in 5 soon. I don't think my arms have ever been stronger than they are now from carrying him all the time ha.

As I wrote in previous posts Israel is still up a lot at night. He does go to sleep fairly easily though, and sometimes I can lay him down awake and he will just drift off to sleep by himself. He is the first of my babies to do that. He also will fall asleep on the go pretty well too so that's nice. I think if we could have him in a crib in his own room he would do pretty well at night, but there's no room right now so we're stuck with him. It's not too bad really, I like snuggling him.

We have let him try a little bit of table food. I gave him some avacado yesterday and he loved it. I guess that is his official "first food". He still nurses every 2-4 hours but he has become a very distracted eater. He will nurse for like a minute and a half then be done and want to play. Good thing he has all his baby fat to sustain him. :)

Israel loves going outside, his sisters, toys and rolling around. He doesn't like baths, toys being taken away or being left alone. 

This past month we have been dealing with thrush. :/ It has been painful for both of us but we got a prescription and we are finally getting over it. 

 Right before he face planted 😬 He was fine though and didn't even cry.

Israel is a little sweetie. He will laugh and smile at everyone and isn't afraid of strangers yet. He loves everyone but has made it clear he loves his mama best. :)

With 4 kids now I think I am a lot more relaxed when the girls were babies. I don't feel super eager to get him eating lots of different foods. I don't have time for that ha. I know he will sleep through the night soon anyways so I'm not very motivated to deal with sleep training him and I don't get (as) stressed if he misses naps. He's just my little baby along for the ride and we sure do love him. ❤

Adele at 6 months HERE

Esther at 6 monthsHERE


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