Summer Adventures

We are halfway done with summer and most of me is really happy do be done with this heat (I love fall and winter) but it has been a great summer so far. I will miss rocking Israel on the porch in the evenings, and keeping the kitchen clean because I can feed the kids outside. 

We have our big Texas trip coming up next week. It will be 21 hours there and 21 hours back. I've stocked up on lots of audio books from the library, activities, and we will be loading the tablets with movies. It will be hecka hot and Israel is at the scream in the car stage, but we are excited for the adventure and to hang out with all of Leland's family. Don't worry I'll blog all about how it goes ha. 

Speaking of blogging, I'm wondering if anyone would care if I quit ha. I'm in the process of making the blog into photo books and I'm still working on 2016. So I'm quite behind and I'm thinking it would be easier to just write everything directly into the photo book. But I do love being able to easily pull up old posts and pictures on my phone. I feel like everyone just does instagram nowadays too and pretty much everything I put on there is here too. I dunno I'm just thinking about it. Anyways here are some pics of our last couple weeks. 

"Lemonade Story time" aka any activity to settle these girls down and stop all the fighting.

We went to the Treehouse for the last time before our membership expried. The girls loved it as usual. 

After Esther finished swim lessons we gave in and got her a mermaid tail. The fairy obsession has been replaced with mermaids. Esther wears this thing as much as I let her, including sleeping in it at night. The girls don't hesitate to tell anyone who will listen their mermaid names. "Rainbowa and Una" :)

We went to a new park, Creekside Park in Bountiful while Leland did a hike nearby. The park was awesome and had a really cool playground plus a river at the bottom for the kids to play in. 

At the nature center. 

At This is the Place

Sweetest Little baby sleeping on me at church. I love dressing him up in his tiny church clothes.


  1. I would miss the blog if it went away, but hey that's just me.

  2. I totally understand wanting to stop blogging. I feel like no one really does family blogs anymore. I would miss your posts though. :) It probably would be easier and faster to input your stories and pictures directly into a book. I don't know why I didn't think about that. :) Then just save the book and print when there is a sale. :) Which book site do you use?

    1. Yeah no one does it anymore is true ha. I have used shutterfly and they have a lot of 50% off sales throughout the year. The only thing is that they have a page limit on their books. I think either 80 or 100 pages. Now I'm using blurb and they have a lot more design options and they have a once a year black friday sales. I will probably keep blogging just for the convenience. :)


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