Temple Open House

I have a lot to blog about lately, but I'll start with yesterday. Yesterday we went to the Jordan River Temple Open House. The Jordan River Temple was our assigned temple when we lived in Murray, but we only went once or twice before it closed for renovations. The girls were so excited to go inside a temple. The last time we went to an open house (here) Adele was only a few weeks old so they both don't remember it. 

We weren't able to get tickets, but we didn't have to wait at all, we were able to go right in when we got there. That was nice compared to waiting an hour plus in the stand-by line which we had to do last time. The girls loved talking to the Sister Missionaries before the movie started. They were so good during the movie and through out the tour. The only mishap was Adele having a blowout all over Leland's white shirt. We had to leave our bags in the car so we couldn't change her until we were done. 🙈

Really though the girls we so sweet and good. When it showed the Celestial room on the movie, Adele told me "this where all the babies live" ❤. We talked about feeling the Holy Ghost inside the temple and it was probably the first time we've pointed that out to the girls. I always love looking at all the artwork inside the temple, and they did too, wanting to know the stories behind most of the pictures.

When we were done I made Leland suffer through some pictures, then we asked the girls what their favorite parts were. Esther said hers was the Jesus statue (the one in the reception area at the end) and Adele said hers was "The Holy Ghost, I love him so much". It was such a great experience and almost too easy. I guess we will have to add a couple more kids in the mix. :) 

I already said this on Facebook and IG but I'm so grateful to live near temples and be able to go so often. I'm thankful for my forever family and the opportunity Leland and I have to raise these sweet children.


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