A Day in the Life

It's been a bit since I have done a day in the life post. These posts are always my favorite to look back on, so I'll keep doing them forever :)

Our day on May 10th 2017
Esther is 3 years old
Adele is 15 months old

7:45 Adele wakes up. I get her and nurse her in our bed.

8:00 Esther wakes up, we go let her out and start a bath for the girls.

8:40 I get the girls out and put a show on for them in my bed while I get dressed and do my hair.

9:00 Esther is being very whiney and really trying my patience. She wants to keep watching shows. We have a little talk about having a good attitude as I get the girls dressed.

9:10 We sit down for breakfast. Bananas oranges and tortillas for the girls. Yogurt with chia seeds for me. Oatmeal cookies for everyone.

9:40 The girls finish breakfast and go to play. I start working on this, check instagram, text Leland and read my scriptures. We get ready to go outside by going potty, finding shoes and putting sunscreen on.

10:00 We go outside and I attempt to rake up all the helicopters that have fallen into our yard. It's not long before Adele gets fussy so I put her in the carrier and push Esther on the swing.

11:00 We come inside, I change Adele's diaper, set E up with legos and nurse A to sleep.

11:30 Adele is asleep. I straighten up the living room, put my makeup on, then play legos with E.

12:00 My visiting teacher comes over.

12:40 Esther and I eat lunch.

1:00 After lunch Esther and I go back outside. Soon we hear Adele awake on the monitor.

Can you see any improvement?

1:30 Feed Adele lunch. Unload and load the dishwasher while she eats. Esther plays legos again.

2:00 Chill for a bit then get everyone ready to go to Walmart.

2:15 Shopping at Wal-Mart. We buy some plants for the garden and mother's day gifts.

3:30 When we get home we go out to the back yard to plant the seeds. Adele is so clingy and won't let me do anything. I give them creamies and power through with a lot of frustration.

4:30 We come inside, go potty and get drinks and go down to the playroom to play (them) and check my phone then read my book (me). Then we all play for a little while and things are much better.

5:15 We go upstairs and I start on dinner. Bacon, eggs and pancakes. The girls play legos, fight, cling on to me and play again.

6ish: Leland gets home and we all eat together.

6:30: We clean up dinner and start getting the girls ready for bed. The bedtime routine is pajamas and diaper change/potty, medicines, milk for E, books, scriptures, prayer, brush teeth, nursing Adele to sleep and tucking Esther in.

8:30 Esther plays in her room forever, we go in periodically and she finallly falls asleep around 9.

9:30 Leland and I watch an episode of the office, he showers and then we have scriptures and prayers and go to bed.

Adele sleeps through the night, hallelujah! Esther wakes up once and Leland goes to tuck her back in. They both wake up for the day at 6 but miraculously go back to sleep until 8:30am.


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