Leland's Birthday!

This past Saturday was Leland's birthday! We had a lot of fun celebrating him. We had free passes to Seven Peaks so we went there first. 

Leland had fun going on the "extreme slides". I stuck to the more mild slides. We did take Esther down this one a few times. She seemed to like it even though she got a little splash in the face at the end. 

Haha here is a little zoom in of their faces. Her tongue out is just too cute. 

After Seven Peaks we came home and let Esther nap. For Leland's present I got him another controller for the Xbox one. He loved it. He has always wanted to play two player mode on minecraft so we did while Esther napped. Then we headed to Red Lobster for dinner. Leland loves seafood and I am not a fan so we never go to any seafood restaurants. Since it was his birthday we made an exception ;). I got a caesar salad and he really loved the crab. 

After dinner it was the adult session of stake conference. Since it is hard to get a babysitter we switch off who gets to go each time. This time it was my turn so Leland stayed home with Esther and got her to bed. It was a nice little break and he got to spend some extra time with E. 

On Sunday we had stake conference in the morning and then in the afternoon we continued the celebration. Leland's brothers Kent and Alex and a friend came over for dinner and cake and ice cream. We had fun with them and Leland loved playing team chess with all of us. He definitely enjoyed it more than the rest of us but it was his birthday so we all obliged him haha. 

I am so grateful for Leland. He is the best dad and husband ever. It was good to treat him after all he does for our little family. :)


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