8 Months Old
This past month went by way too fast. Esther has learned a ton in the last month. She is at such a fun age and has started crawling all over the place, she is eating a lot more foods including table foods, and she has started to pull up onto her knees, and occasionally her feet.
The pictures this month were a little last minute, hence the shirt instead of the onesie. Her hair is getting really long and blonde, and she also just learned how to clap. She still has no teeth. We always think she is teething and close to getting them but they never come.
She went on a crazy nursing strike this past month, but luckily we are back on track now and will hopefully make it to 12 months. She has also finally started sleeping 8-10 hours at night without waking up to eat. It is so nice, and I hope it lasts.
She currently weighs about 19-20 pounds, and wears size 4 diapers. We still do cloth diapers about 80% of the time, if I am keeping up with the laundry. She also wear some 9 month clothes, but mostly 12 month, and a few 18 month things.
At 8 Months she likes:
-going outside
-exploring all over the house
-being read and sang to
-her toys, and things that aren't toys
-when daddy comes home
-being held
-eating food from our plates
-grabbing cords
At 8 months she doesn't like:
-being spoon fed (unless it is something she loves)
- the vacuum, blender, or other loud noises
-being put in her crib
-having her diaper changed
Most of our pictures this month turned out like this because she is always on the move!
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