Easter 2022

Easter feels so long ago but I want to continue with the blog and getting all these pictures organized, so here is our Easter week of 2022.

I attempted to do our yearly easter week activities, learning about what the Savior did each day of the week, but I didn't quite do it very well. Alas there's always next year. We did do our Palm Sunday tradition of making palm leaves, acting out the triumphal entry, and singing Easter Hosanna. 

This has been an exceptionally cold spring, and it snowed significant amounts Easter week, even with Easter being towards the end of April! Here are some pretty blossoms against the stormy sky. 

On Thursday night we did have our traditional Jerusalem Dinner, to remember the last supper. The kids love eating on the floor and remembering Jesus. It's one of all of our favorite traditions. 

On Saturday we had an egg hunt at Kylee's house. The kids had lots of fun. Moses didn't know what was going on but he did like holding the eggs. I love one year olds at an egg hunt. 

I took no pictures of the foster care easter egg hunt we went to, in which we arrived 5 minutes late, it had already started and all the eggs were gone. Poor kids were so disappointed. Luckily they did have some toys for the kids as they usually do so the kids got to each pick a toy and play on the playground. 

We watched William that night as we sometimes do on Saturday nights, so we got to have him for Easter morning. We went very minimal on the easter baskets and it ended up being way better than having a bunch of junky toys that they won't even play with.  I wish I had bought one more matching outfit so he could have matched the other boys! Still they looked adorable. I love dressing the kids for holidays. I would dress them up matching all the time if I could, but I restrain myself to only doing it on Easter and Christmas. Moses got mistaken for a girl at church. People these days don't understand vintage. I thought he looked absolutely darling, if  I do say so myself. 

After church we went to dinner at my mom's house, followed by a walk to the park. It was a busy good day. Oftentimes with so many children I feel like I don't always have time for quiet spiritual moments, I can barely hear what's being said at church and  I rarely get to go to the adult classes at church but I felt close to my Savior on this day. I counted all my blessings and felt so grateful. 



  1. I love your matching outfits! Pulling that off has never been my skill set but I appreciate it when others do it and if it were easier for me to make it happen I would do it in a heartbeat. So cute ;-)


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