Julian Turns 5!

 It feels kind of crazy that Julian has only been in our family 2 years now. In many ways it has felt like he has been with us forever! But also, until recently I have never really felt the “oh they are getting so big/growing up so fast feeling”. When a child comes to you at 3 and you never see their babyhood it feels different, almost like Julian came to us in that stage and it was hard to imagine him older or younger. However, now I can look back on the past two years and see how much he has changed! Both physically  and emotionally/mentally he has grown so much! 

Julian is a very sweet boy, he is eager to please and will love anyone and everyone. He is one of our good sleepers and good cleaners. He loves to sit and look and books and will play great with toys. He has a great memory and often remembers the tiniest details. He does have a rough and tumble side that comes out now and then, and since our three boys are pretty evenly matched I don’t mind the wrestling too much. 

Having a birthday in early March I don’t think Julian has had many snowy birthdays but this one turned out to be super snowy. His birthday was on a forest school day so we went sledding and shared cupcakes with our forest school group. 

Julian’s party was on a Friday and it also ended up being really cold and windy.  Julian’s “Aunt” Melissa and her husband came which was really  nice, she even made Julian this awesome Star Wars cake. Julian got spoiled with presents and had fun despite the cold weather.  Weather and sickness kept some people away but we are glad for those who made it.  I try to gently persuade the kids to choose a fun day instead of a party but my little extroverts are always choosing parties. It is a lot more work for me but I love celebrating them. 

Sweet Julian, he's such a blessing to our family and I can't wait to see how far 5 brings him!


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