Things They Say

 The last time I did one of these was April of 2020, so Leland has been reminding me to do one again. I write all their funny quotes down in my phone as soon as they say them. A lot of the time I'm kind of used to the things they say and don't realize how funny they are until later ha.

Adele: Willy said his first word! He said “um”! Um is what you say when something is weird. 

Esther having bubble gum for the first time: Oh it tastes wonderful!

Me: Is the Easter Bunny what makes Easter so special?

Adele: No! it’s the candy!

Adele: Mama I have something to tell you.

Me: What?

Adele: I think Jesus’s apostles are still on Earth, but they don’t live in our neighborhood, they live in a faraway neighborhood, like Texas. That’s why we’ve never seen them.

Esther: I have an idea! When we are done dyeing the eggs, I will dip my hair in and then I’ll have mermaid hair!

Adele: *Baby boy army crawling towards her* This is my Dad, he just broke his ankles and lost his voice. 

Adele: Mama, when I was in heaven were you hoping for me and thinking ” maybe there is a child in heaven that needs a mother?”

Esther: I don’t want this tooth to fall out because what if it’s my sweet tooth?!

When we were staying at my parents there were some snakes in the backyard.

Adele: I feel much safer sleeping at home because there aren’t SNAKES. 

Adele: When I woke up this morning I didn’t feel like myself, I didn’t feel human. I felt like a mermaid. That’s how I know I’ll grow a tail when I’m older. 

Esther: I think the raccoon wasn’t scared of me because he knows I’m part mermaid, and mermaid is kind of an animal. 


Esther: *Comes to my bed at 6am.*

Me: You need to go back and lay in your bed until your light Is green.

Esther: Mama, I can’t fall asleep listening to thin air!

*she usually listens to stories when she falls asleep 🤣

Adele: See this necklace? This necklace is my power, my law and my strength. See this rug? This is my undersea home. If my necklace gets lost, then I lose my strength. If I take my necklace off then I still have my powers but if it’s lost way out there far away from me then I lose my powers too okay? 

Adele: You want me to tell you a poem?

White as the curtains

Blue as a bed

Violets are red

Just like your head!

Adele: Mama, Israel dumped his juice out, but I told him he’ll be alright because I’m going to clean it up for you. When Marie and Baby Belle and Lambie see me help someone, they think I’m a hero. 

Adele: You can call Israel a rascal because a rascal is naughty but still cute. 

Adele: This is my phone. It is more better than your phone because it can text a Jesus and check this out, see? A picture of heaven and Jesus. Oh look Jesus just texted me, want me to read it to you? It says “Dear Adele, You are loved, never leave, I’m always with you, love Jesus Christ.” 

Adele had spilled powder from her baby bottle pop all over herself while she was in her car seat.

Adele: Don’t worry mama, when I stand up this will all shake off just like a musk ox. 

Israel calls anything Frozen “ elsaanna” 

Adele: I’m really hoping the prize at the library (for summer reading) is a baby cow! 

Adele: Stop telling me what to do, Esther. I’m barely getting used to myself. 

Adele: I can’t WAIT until my armpits start stinking and then I can put that beautiful roses stuff on me (deodorant). 

Israel says “Gaga Goopy!” Anytime he sees goofy, meaning that goofy is Dada. 

Adele: I named this goose Swana Leia

Adele: Inside each child is a number, and on their birthday the fairy inside them casts a new number and now that’s how old they are. 

Israel: Mama, why you wearing glasses?

Me: To help me see. 

Israel: Cause why?

Me: My eyes are a little broken and when I wear glasses it fixes them. 

Israel: oh 

Israel when he wants to tell me a secret: I say something in you ear. 

Leland: When I was downstairs, Israel heard one tiny squeak and said “Mama’s home!”

Esther: What was the squeak?

Me: He heard the squeak of the van tires and knew I was home. 

Adele: Vantires? Don’t you mean VAMPIRES? 

When Adele wouldn’t eat her cereal.

Me: What? You don’t like the milk?

Adele: No, I Love the milk, I just don’t like the taste of the milk. 

Adele: If I had a bull that was 100% bad, I’d kill it. 

Israel when it was dark in the bathroom: I not can see. 

Adele: Eat the meatballs Israel, they’re big and yummy!

Israel: I big and yummy. 

Israel looking at the grinch book: “Da grinch, da grinch stole cissmass”

Me: You want to read that? What did the grinch do in that book?

Israel: He say ‘giddyap’

I heard one of the kids walk into our room in the middle of the night

Me: Who is it?

Julian: Julian Michael HUNT!

Adele: I just know I’m going to marry Prince George because I think about it every day of my life. 

Me: I’m going to take that binky away.

Israel: No Mama! You not the binky fairy!!

Adele: Once Dada showed me a picture of a man holding up a dead lynx and Dada didn’t know what it was and I told him it was a lynx. A lynx is in the cat family and I know about them from Wild Kratts. 

Israel got a box of chocolates from his nursery teacher. 

Adele: Israel are you going to share with us? 

Israel: Yes I sharing, I already say that. 

Julian: I going get bit by a spider (to turn into spiderman)... someday...

Israel likes to block doorways with his arms and not let the kids or I pass until we say the password which he always demands is “cute baby”. 

Israel: Your belly getting BIG! You’re baby can’t come out.

Me: Why not?

Israel: You’re baby too big!!

Adele: Mama, that’s not a pine cone. It’s a spruce cone. 

Julian: Mama, why me have these?(eyebrows)

Me to the kids: Do you guys know what a wolverine is?

Adele: Yes! It’s a member of the weasel family!

Overheard from the girls bedroom at bedtime

Adele: (while sobbing) Esther, do you even like pioneers?!

Israel: I’m going to call Mama a stinkin’ rat if she won’t lay with me. 

Leland: Adopted means you are my son, Julian.

Julian: No, I not sun, I moon. 

Adele: Scales are made of keratin, and even you have keratin Mama, your finger nails!

Adele: Mama, do you know the only bird that can swim and fly?

Me: A duck?

Adele: No, swim underwater. 

Me: I don’t know.

Adele: Puffins!

After Adele had come to our room many nights because she kept hearing “ghostez” she finally came to this point.

Adele: Now I don’t believe in ghostez, just like you mama. I think what I heard was either the sound machine, a mourning dove, or the wind. 

Israel: Mama, take a picture of my bum crack so I can see what it look like.

Israel: Mama, why I have hair inside your nose?

Me: Israel, you are just so cute sometimes. 

Israel: Big boys not cute, Mama. 


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