2021 weeks 21 and 22

May  22- June 4th

I have to tell this little story about horseback riding lessons. Adele has LOVED horses for the past few years. She has asked and asked for a horse and once she accepted and understood that our yard is too small for a horse, she started asking for horseback riding lessons. I looked into lessons a couple of times and they were just so expensive. We could have maybe afforded it for her but  I knew Esther would want to as well and so I just put it on the shelf and kind of put it to the back of my mind as a "maybe someday" thing. Well, out of the blue, someone I didn't know reached out to me on Instagram and said they were starting a non-profit, giving horseback riding to adopted children, foster children and their families. I couldn't believe it. She invited us to come meet her and her horses and signed Adele, Esther and Julian up for lessons starting in July, all for free! She is so nice, has kids the same age as ours and the kids all loved it. Their lessons start in July. It is a small thing but such a blessing and proof of how much God cares about the desires of our hearts, even when it's a little five year old wanting to ride horses. 

We went to a family reunion on Leland's side and went to get pizza after. First time in a restaurant with 6 kids! (Baby Boy was visiting that day.)

Many hours clocked holding Moses and trying to get him to sleep in various ways. (The stroller was a miss.)

Esther created this 'fairy island' right in the middle of our sidewalk. 

The kids have finally been well for an extended period of time and we have enjoyed going to various parks in the beautiful weather. 

I read somewhere recently that boy babies tend to cry more because they want to be held more than girl babies. Something about how males tend to connect with others more physically while girls are usually conversationally. It seems very accurate with my boys ha. Israel is always wanting me to hold him and put him in carriers. 

Can you spy Adele way up there? 

Moses had his 2 month well check. Drumroll please......15 lbs 2oz of chubby deliciousness. He's even bigger than Israel at 2 months! 

Julian and his epic racoon tan from is glasses lol. 

Adele's depiction of Moses being discovered by Pharoah's daughter. "His mouth is really big because he's crying". 

 A date to the nature center with Esther. 

Two boys at costco. 

We hiked Waterfall Canyon. 

Traditional ice cream after. 

We went to the splash pad for Memorial Day. 

And a million more cute pictures of Mosey, plus some of my other children.


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