The Struggle is Real

Last night I attempted to sleep with the girls in the treehouse. Let me just say these pictures are no indication of how that went. We all ended up in the house by 11, tired and cranky. 

And quite frankly, I've been feeling tired and cranky a lot lately. I will spare you most of the emotional outpouring and just sum it up by saying this. Things are hard. Getting a newborn with zero warning or preparation or time off of work is really hard. I feel like there is some unspoken rule that I'm not allowed to complain because we brought this upon ourselves, We literally signed up for this. Often times when people find out our situation they say something like "Oh I could never do that, it would be so hard."  Followed by something along the lines of "You are such a saint, angel, amazing person etc". So here I am saying, no I am a normal person. Yes, this is hard. The not knowing, the goodbye's, the rules, the visits, the giant question mark that is the future. It is all really hard. But I'm doing it and you totally could too. In fact, I'm quite sure a lot of people could do it better than I could. Now I'm not here trying to recruit anyone to foster care. I'm just saying, I'm a regular mom, who has a lot of hard days and is still just trying my best. Also I feel like  I must add, we really love baby boy. He is seriously an angel and the easiest baby (as far as newborns go). We are so grateful to have him in our family right now. Like I've said before, things are hard, but hard doesn't equal bad. I know we are doing with our lives exactly what God wants us to be doing right now, and it's not easy and that's okay.

Anyways, most of my pictures from the past 3 weeks include baby boy. It break my heart a little that I can't post his sweet face here, but here are all the rest of the photos from the past few weeks.


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