Mother's Day

Mother's Day this year was different as it was my first Mother's Day with a foster placement. I helped Baby Boy make a mother's day gift for his mom and we gave it to her at his visit. I think about both boy's mothers often and pray for their peace and healing. 

 Also my first Mother's Day as a mom of five. This was the first year the girls really got it and they were so excited to celebrate. They told me of their "surprise" to give me breakfast in bed like five times ha. Leland was really sweet and helped them make me an elaborate breakfast, and don't worry I still acted surprised. ;)

I love being a mom so much, but lately, I feel very inadequate, and I wonder if  I'm enough for my children. I think all moms feel that to some extent, but I just feel pulled in so many directions with five children. I wanted to take individual pictures with them because I feel like motherhood is a unique and treasured relationship with each of them. I took many more pictures of the day but won't post them here because I hate to cover the sweet faces. 

I'm grateful to my mom and Leland's mom. They are great mothers who I think raised some pretty good children if I say so myself. :) I'm also grateful to Leland for joining me in this parenthood journey and always supporting me in my motherhood, whether it's lifting me up when I'm feeling discouraged or trusting my mother's intuition when it comes to our children. He did well by getting me these pretty flowers. 


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