Esther Turns 6!

On March 4th, our little Esther turned 6! Esther is a light, she is almost always happy and excited about something. She is a dreamer and has ideas about everything. She loves to make plans and gets excited for things. She is very opinionated and can be stubborn when she sets her mind to something. She loves to have fun and be silly. She is a good helper and likes to be included in "grown up" things. She is obsessed with mermaids as I'm sure you can see! She is a sweetheart and I'm so glad I got her as my firstborn. 

Esther was very particular about her cake. I tried to make it like she envisioned. It wasn't one of my tastier cakes, but she was happy with how it looked. For her party, she wanted a pinata and wanted to have kids over to do the pinata. We had a little party with some kids from our ward, cousins, and kids from forest school. 

I love how kids go so crazy when the birthday child opens gifts at a party. 

She wore these goggles that were a gift, for a few days to "make her world pink". Gotta love this cute girl. 💓


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