A Birthday Party for E + A
On Saturday we had a combined birthday party for Esther and Adele. We decided one party would be so much easier since their birthdays are about 5 weeks apart. They were both so happy to have a party they didn't mind sharing. It was one of those things I was all stressed about but it turned out just great!
Esther was so excited for the party! She has been asking when it would be her birthday ever since Christmas. She fell in love with the elephant pinata a good 6 months ago when we saw it at Walmart. Every time we would see it and I would tell her she could have it on her birthday, Finally a month before the party we bought it. We had to prepare her and tell her that the elephant would get broken and candy would fall out. She took it well when it happened ha.
The girls with Grandma and Grandpa.
Esther was so excited for the party she woke up at 5:30 am and wouldn't go back to sleep haha. She had so much fun all day, she never napped and ended up falling asleep at 5pm when we were eating dinner ha. I really think it was her best day ever because she was just so happy and cheerful all day. She never threw any tantrums. I was proud she acted so well at her party and was nice (for the most part) to all her friends.
Adele didn't take her morning nap so she was a little clingy to me for most of the party. She looooved having her first sucker and after she had a sugar rush from her cake and sucker she was wild and crazy.
My attempt at an elephant cake.
Adele loved her cupcake!
Her shirt got dirty so then she was a wild naked baby, chasing all the kids and screaming. ðŸ˜
The party was so much fun! I never liked being the center of attention at a party when growing up but for some reason I love throwing parties for my babies ha, Click HERE to see Esther's first bday party.
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