October and General Conference

I've been having a hard time keeping up with the blog lately. I guess four kids is my limit for having time for it ha.  I wanted to talk about General Conference. I tried hard to prepare this time, both spiritually and in creating activities for the kids so that we could all listen. It went as well as it could with so many littles around, I really loved it and got so much out of it. My favorite was the Women's session. The talk "Divine Discontent" by Michelle D Craig was everything I needed to hear. I also loved President Nelson's talk. He is such a powerful speaker, I love listening to his talks.  I did the social media challenge and it was hard but good for me. I was much more productive than usual during those 10 days. I have also been trying to read the Book of Mormon each day in order to finish before the end of the year. That invitation seems a little impossible for me at this point in my life. But I'm trying and half the time I am reading over screaming children but I'm doing it! I have never tried to read the Book of Mormon quickly before and I have gained new insights. I also recognize more blessings in my life from it. 

Also two hour church! Let me just say I am so happy about this change. I was not looking forward to 1pm church next year with an older baby. I am so happy that all meetings will be in the morning too. My calling as Relief Society pianist will not exist anymore so I am a little sad about that. As for the new curriculum, I am happy to have something to follow and to go along with what we are learning at church. Leland and I were already planning to have most of our children's gospel learning take place in the home (one of my main reason for wanting to homeschool) and this new of structure 'home-centered, church supported" perfectly coincides with our plan.  

Anyways here is some of what we have been up to these past few weeks. We have been playing outside a lot before it gets too cold. 

Adele always wants to be my baby lately. I usually try to oblige her requests even if it means double carrying babies ha. Ignore my tired eyes in this pic, but look at how cute and little she still is. 

Israel isn't eating food yet but got a new high chair and looks so big. 

Esther painted this during conference. It is her first family picture and I will totally be one of those moms who saves this forever because I love it.

" I brighten mommy's days and ruin her nights" pretty accurate ;)

Esther is always creating something whether it is a fort,  a drawing or a lego girl. 

Adele running around pretending to fly. 

Esther had fun with some new school stuff we bought.

All of my babies have worn these pumpkin pajamas, I barely squeezed Isri into them for his picture.

Our library had a book sale and I got all of these for $14.50!!! I could have gotten sooooo many more but  I had to limit myself :)

I cut Adele's hair so it's more even and it is so adorable I love it!

Israel's new toy

M has been with us a month now and she is doing well.. She loves being outside and says new words everyday. Her case is complicated and we really have no idea how long she'll be with us, but we are bonding with her and are glad to have her with us for now. 

Adele is obsessed with this white dress and wears it all the time and likes to pretend it is her wedding day. 

 Today we went to Little Haunts at This is the Place Park with some friends. Luckily Rickelle is staying with us for fall break so she was there to help me wrangle them all. Babies in costumes are my favorite thing. I have always wanted a baby boy to dress up like a monkey. More costume pictures forth coming.

We ended the day by taking the girls down the road to get pumpkins. I love October. 


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