A Day in the Life

Esther is 4.5, Adele is 2.5, our foster daughter M is 2 and Israel is 5 months. 

This was yesterday. This morning Israel was sick so I guess he caught what we all had over the weekend, which explains why he slept differently than normal and nursed way more than usual. 

5:50 Adele climbs into bed with me. After about 15 minutes of cuddling it is apparent she is awake for good so I take her to the couch so she won't wake up Israel. She watches Pinkalicious and part of Prince of Egypt. Then we read a few books.
7:15 Israel wakes up. I change and dress him and nurse him. Then get Adele yogurt for breakfast.

Adele nurses her baby too. 

7:50 Esther wakes up, I make her yogurt and make myself avacado toast and cottage cheese for my breakfast.

8:05 Esther gets a piece of green apple sucker stuck in her teeth and begs me to get it out. I get it out using toothpicks.
8:10 M wakes up. I change her diaper and dress her and make her a bowl of yogurt.
8:15 Get myself dressed and do my hair and makeup.
8:40 I vacuum the living room since we have a social worker coming over today. Unclog the vacuum. I'll spare you that picture. Esther "reads" to the girls on the couch.

8:50. Nurse Israel. Pray he falls asleep quickly. Meanwhile the girls are fighting and M is screaming her head off in the living room.
9:00 Break up the fights. Send the girls downstairs to play. Try rocking Israel to sleep.
9:20 He is asleep. A speech therapist calls and I have to answer. He wakes up but goes back to sleep and stays asleep when I lay him on the bed. #miracles I then get the girls dressed and do their hair.
10:00 They color and play with toys while I do dishes and wipe down the kitchen.

10:20 I read a scripture story with the girls and we say our morning prayer. Then I play little people with them until the case worker gets here.
10:35 The caseworker visits with me and M.
11:15 She leaves and I check on Israel and find he is awake. I change his diaper and put him in his carseat. I load up the kids in the van to go to the church to drop off a cake I made (last night) for a funeral.

11:40 Home again and I make lunch for all of us. The girls watch an episode of Little Einstein's while they eat and I catch up on this post, text with Leland and check instagram. Then I nurse Israel. 

12:15 Lay M down in her crib for nap.
12:30 Lay with Adele in her bed until she falls asleep for nap.
12:45 Start school with Esther. Israel plays in his jumper. Esther has a great day and we do both reading and math.

Esther channeling Hermione with this hair.

1:15 Esther works on a cutting and glueing activity while I get Israel to sleep. Esther comes in a few times to ask for help with her glue. Israel is not going to sleep so I bounce him to sleep and he finally transfers.

1:40 M is awake/ she never napped so I get her out of her crib and I sit down to read my scriptures.
2:25 Adele wakes up. I feed them snacks and we read a few books. I change Adele's diaper and help them get their shoes on.
3:00 Israel wakes up. I change his diaper and get things ready to leave for the library.
3:30 We walk/ride to the library. We get our books. I feed Israel while there and we don't stay very long, then we walk back.

4:35 Back home. I send the girls downstairs to play while I straighten up then start dinner.

5:00 Nurse Israel to sleep. After a few minutes Esther comes in to tell me there are "millions and trillions of barbies in the sink" and wakes Israel up. He doesn't go back to sleep. Later I find this in the sink...

5:20 Leland gets home from work and plays with the kids while I finish dinner.

5:30 We eat dinner, rice bowls. (Coincidentally this was also our dinner last time I did a day in the life post. I promise we eat other things :) 
6:00 Family Home Evening. The opening song is I feel My Savior's Love, Esther says the prayer and I give a short lesson about "my body is a temple". Then we paint pumpkins and Leland and I carve the big pumpkin. The girls absolutely love this activity. Esther paints a mermaid on hers and Adele and M both spend a good 20 minutes doing theirs too.

6:30 Israel is fussy so I put him in pajamas and nurse him to sleep while Leland gets the girls the family night treat, chocolate cake.
7:00 Israel is asleep. I sneak away from him and come help get the girls ready for bed.
7:30 Stories, scriptures, prayers are done. Leland brushes their teeth and I tuck them in. First M in her room. Then I read a few pages of The Little House in the Big Woods to Adele and Esther while Adele brushes my hair. I kiss them goodnight then Leland sits in there and holds Adele's hand while she falls asleep.

8:00 I hunt down Birdie to give to Esther to fall asleep with, catch up on this, check IG then shower.
8:30 When I'm done showering Israel is awake so I go nurse him back to sleep. I make a meal plan and grocery list and make an online grocery order to pick up tomorrow.
10:00 Leland and I go to bed. (But not really because Israel wakes up as soon as I get in bed and we stay up until approximately 1am taking turns trying to get him back. 😔)


  1. I read a few of your birth stories and am happy for you that you were able to have natural births after your C-section! I too had a surprise C-section and did not love it! Haha! Also I'm so impressed with all on your plate that you are doing foster care. My sister did it for a time, two friends in my ward do it, and my sister-in-law is just finally getting everything approved. So I know a little of how much effort goes into it and of how emotionally difficult it can be, but it makes me SO happy to know these little angels are somewhere safe and loved for a time. Bravo to you and your husband!

    1. Yes foster care is definitely a difficult journey but we completely feel called to do it, so that makes it easier. And yes I feel so grateful to have had vbacs after our first baby was a c section. I love having babies and between that and foster care I tell my husband we will probably end up with no less than 12 children ha.


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