Catching Up

We've been busy busy lately, but doing fun things so I'll just throw it all into one big post.

Leland has Friday afternoons off so a couple of weeks ago we walked to the library near our house. The girls loved having Dada at the library with us, and playing on this little stage out back. Look at these three babes! <3

Sister's doing the exact same pose!

Mother's Day weekend we went on another one of Leland's work hikes, It was the Wild Rose Trail in North Salt Lake. There is a nice park with a playground at the trail head, along with bathrooms, making it a good hike if you have kids. It is a little steep but the views at the top are great! Esther picked me some flowers for "mudder's day". 

This Mother's Day was great! Esther sang with the primary in sacrament meeting and it the sweetest thing! She is still in nursery but she goes to singing time with primary, so she got to sing with them. She was singing the words she knew so loudly, it was adorable. When they first told the primary kids to come up, she ran right up there and went to the pulpit expecting to sing there ha. She is our little extrovert, I know a lot of people don't like Mother's day, but we keep it really low key and I love it. 

Both girls love to play outside and if they can't be outside they just stand at the window at look out. 

Here we have a portrait titled "When mom's try to go to the bathroom alone" 😂

You would never guess the joy that this $2 hummingbird feeder brings to our family. First is the rainbows it makes in our kitchen. Esther loves to stand on them and put her toys on them so her toys are "in a rainbow". Second is when the hummingbirds come. Esther and Adele (and me tbh) love it when they come. They spend all of our meals looking out the window for them. We are going to get a bigger one soon, with a place for them to stand so they can stay longer. #thelittlethings

 Here is Adele pre-scratch. Last weekend she fell face first down the front steps and scraped her nose up. It looked worse than it was. She is at the age where she is always getting hurt. She wants to run and climb everything but isn't quite able to yet. I won't be sad when this stage passes ha.

Last weekend we went on another hike, Bear Canyon Bridge in Draper with Leland's brother Kent. It was really pretty and probably one of my favorite ones. It was long (4 miles) but flat, which makes a big difference when you have a 25lb baby on your back. Thank goodness for good carriers, as my back never even hurt until the very end. There is a suspension bridge at the end of the trail. Esther and Leland both loved it, but I was way too afraid to go on it. It was swaying with the wind so #noway. Esther kept saying "don't be scared Mama, it's just a bridge". This one also had a park with a playground at the trailhead, so playing when we got back was our motivation to help Esther finish the hike. Afterwards we went to Golden Corral and Esther loved the cotton candy of course. 

We planted our little garden and I am so excited! I hope it grows! I am pretty sure I've been over watering the tomatoes and sunflowers (not pictured) so hopefully they can recover from that. We planted sunflowers, strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, radishes, parsley, spinach, cilantro, basil, mint and beans this year. I wanted to try a lot of different things to see what works. I don't really have any idea what I'm doing so I will just be happy if we get anything. 

Both girls were wearing red to support a friend who's baby had heart surgery. They sure cheesed it up for the picture :)

Yesterday we rode the train to go see Esther's friend Nellie's dance recital. The girls loved the train. I thought it would be easier than driving with them, it was not, but still fun. Esther loved the recital, but was so sad that she couldn't dance, she kept saying "Where is my dress?" and "When will it be my turn?". I suppose we will have to sign her up next year. 

Adele today at story time and later in the backyard. She is such a cutie! 


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