Things They Say

Adele: My shoes are disappointed because I'm not wearing them anymore.

Adele: Let me tell you a story. Me and my baby were visiting a witch castle and the witch was nice, then she was mean. And she turned my baby into a creature. And now my baby is a lambie.

Esther saying the prayer "please bless this food, and please bless Mama didn't put any beans in my tortilla".

Adele: Fawn was acting like a mountain lion!

Adele: When God made Israel he built him with a penis.

Esther was mad and I brought Israel over to her.
Me: Look who just woke up!
Esther: I'm not in the mood for cute right now.

Esther: Ratatouille is the perfect movie because it will teach Israel to not eat trash!

Adele: Actually I need the light on so Heavenly Father can see me praying.

Adele: Dada do you have pictures of us at work?
Leland: Yeah
Adele: So you can look at them and 'nember us? Just like the beast gives Belle his mirror so she can look at it and 'nember him?

Adele during a primary lesson: Jesus has faith to walk on water and I...have faith to swim in water.

Adele: This is my rule: NEVER play i spy clouds with me. Got it, Mama?

Adele likes to narrate her life likes she's in a story. Here are a few examples.
Me: Do you want butter on your bread?
Adele: YES! She screamed happily.

Esther running out the door
Adele: Please don't leave me behind. The little girl cried.

Adele: No I don't want it! She exclaimed.

Adele: Open my yogurt! She chimed in.

Esther's Prayer: Please bless that the goblins will come to our yard and drink the soup I made for them, so I can trap them and they can give me some of their magic and then I can turn into a mermaid. Not forever, I can just be a mermaid for a little while.

Me to Adele: I love you no matter what.
Adele: I love you too even when you're a bad Mama and screaming at me.

Adele: It's a miracle! When I put my shoe on I had an owie on it, and when I took it off there was no owie!
Me: What do you think happened?
Adele: Someone healed it! I know, Jesus healed it! But how did Jesus go inside my shoe and heal me?

Leland: Adele, eat your food.
Adele: Stop criticising me!!

Adele playing with her dolls: More beer?
*this is a line from beauty and the beast 😂 afterwards i had to explain to her what beer is and why she shouldn't say that lol.

Adele: These are pickle trees (pine trees). Pickles do grow on trees, did you know that Mama? They start as a little caterpillar then grow into a pickle. And those (pinecones) are the pickles for goblins. Goblin pickles.

Adele to Indy: Where did you come from? Great Britain?

After reading the story of Moses in our bible picture book, Adele said to Israel, pointing to the picture "These are the children of you, little man."

Esther: When I get magic I'm going to sprinkle it on my dolls and bring them all to life.

Esther: I know, Adele. We will leash Birdie to the wagon and she will pull you!
Me: No, she is too little to pull you.
Esther: What about Fawn? She's big and fat?

Esther: My tongue hurts from saying a long word.

Esther: Our life is another version of this movie. (Toy story)
Adele: Why do you say that?
Esther: Because our toys come alive, even Fuzzy!!

Adele: Why did Heavenly Father send barbeque sauce to this family? I know because He knew me and Dada would love it!

Adele: Um, be quiet please. Jesus is talking to me in my heart and I can't hear him.
...2 minutes later...
Me: What did he say?
Adele: He's still talking.
....2 minutes later...
Me: What did he say?
Adele: He said he will never let anything bad happen to me.

Adele: Mother Gothel thinks she knows best, but really Jesus knows bestest.

While we were at Ikea and a woman's voice came over the loud speaker.
Adele: *gasp* Heavenly Mother is speaking to us!

Adele has a new imaginary friend named Penelope. She plays with Penelope often and she is much better behaved than Adele's former imaginary friends named "Juan and John and Kahn and Don". 

Me: Adele, I don't want to see you pinching Israel again.
Adele: Then don't look at me!

Adele: (pretending to be Belle) It's my birthday and watch out because the Beast is coming to my party.
Me: Is the Beast mean?
Adele: Well he is nice, he just makes bad choices sometimes...

Me: I love you Adele.
Adele: And I have a wedgie.

The other day we made a gunny bag to eat up their clothes if they didn't clean them up. Esther thought it was a fun game and cleaned them up. Adele, no. She was way too sensitive for that. All day she is asking about gunny bag. Where does he live? Does gunny bag have feet to climb onto her dresser? Can gunny bag move by himself? All her prayers saying please don't let gunny bag get my clothes. 😂 finally i had to tell her nevermind, gunny bag is being thrown away and he won't be coming back ever again. 😂

If you want to read more of their quotes, click in the label "things they say" at the end of this post. 👍


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