Four Years Old

My little baby is officially four years old! Four seems so big to me, and Esther has been growing up so much lately. She can dress and undress herself, brush her teeth (not very well though ha) and recently started sleeping through the night with no pull ups and no accidents. 

Now that she is older her interests and personality are developing more and more. She still loves being outside and will stay out as long as you will let her. She loves animals, reading books, watching shows and playing legos. She is so imaginative and loves to talk about fairies, princesses and anything make believe. She is also like a little sponge when we teach her about the gospel and Jesus. She loves Primary and always talks about how she is a real missionary. She has a sweet little testimony already and always reminds me to say a prayer if I lose something. (Which happens a lot lately ha). 

Esther doesn't really like drawing or practicing her letters, and I try not to push her too hard. She is very interested in learning letters in more abstract ways and always tells me when she sees letters she knows and asks me what letters words start with. She has picked up a lot of things from doing preschool and I'm excited to continue to teach her more this coming year. 

She is at the age where she loves to ask questions and wants to know everything. "How do people get to heaven?" "Why are there cracks in the sidewalk?" "What color does pink and red make?" Usually one question leads to another and she is never satisfied with "I don't know" as an answer ha. It can be a little much at times but I am glad to see her learning and that I'm the one who gets to answer them all for her. 

She is still a little people person. She loves playing with kids her age but really loves playing and interacting with adults too. She gives out hugs freely and because of her and Adele we've basically become a hugging family ha. 

I wish there were more kids her age in our neighborhood because she loves the friends she has and would play with friends everyday all day if she could. But even still if you ask her who her best friend is she will usually say Adele. 

This is getting a little long so I'll just say that I love my Esther. She is so unique and her personality is totally different from mine, but she has taught me so much in my four years of mothering her. I feel like I am finally getting the hang of things with her and four is a great age to be at. 

Here is the video I did for her 4 year interview. It cuts off abruptly because my camera battery died. It's not perfect but I figure I'd better just post it because if I try to redo it, it will never get done.

Esther 4 Year Interview from Courtney Hunt on Vimeo.


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