Park City

Last Friday after Leland got off work we went up to Park City for the night. Leland had never been and I had only been once when I went to the Olympics in elementary school. When we got there we first went to check out the Utah Olympic Park. Esther and Leland liked looking at the museum and I liked watching the skiiers practice their jumps into the pool. Esther kept saying "wheeeeee!" each time they went down lol. After that we headed to main street. We got rained on a little but after there was a beautiful double rainbow! Both Leland and I agreed it was the most vibrant rainbow we had ever seen. After that we headed to our hotel for dinner then watched some shows and went to sleep. Adele did great sleeping at the hotel. She slept in her pack n play in the bathroom and did awesome. Esther on the other hand didn't settle down and sleep until 11 and woke up at 7. We had breakfast at the hotel then went to the McPolin Farmstead. They were doing construction on the barn, but we did a little hike nearby. It was so beautiful! I kept taking so many pictures haha. After that we headed home and listened to the first session of General Conference on the way home. It was a great weekend and we are planning to go back soon! 


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