2 Month Pictures

In case you haven't gotten enough of pictures of Esther, here are some more. She is smiling so much now, these pictures were really fun to take. At two months Esther:
-smiles all the time! 
- still isn't rolling, but that's fine by me
-wears size 2 diapers, but mostly wears cloth diapers
-weighs 12 lbs 6oz (79th percentile)
-is 23.8 inches long (96th percentile)
-her head is 15.5 inches (89th percentile)
-still loves baths
-will sleep 8+ hours at night (she has only done it 3 times though), usually she sleeps 6 or so hours, then 3 more hours. 
-is a very happy baby

And here are a few outtakes, I just love her faces. 


Here is her one month update for comparison: One Month


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