Conference Weekend

This weekend was general conference. I really love conference, and as usual, I learned a lot this time. I wish I could have been with my family this weekend. But I had to work all day Friday and on Saturday night. So instead I just watched all the sessions on my laptop. Also I watched 3/4 sessions with Leland via skype, don't judge us, it was fun. Little things like that help me to miss him less, and it makes me feel close to him when we're so far apart.
In high school my seminary teacher suggested that for each general conference, we should think of three questions or problems in our life, and if we prayerfully consider them, then they will be answered in the talks. One of my questions was about what I can do to begin my family history. I've always known I've needed to do family history, but it all felt so overwhelming that I didn't know how to begin. Elder Scott's talk on family history and temple work was so perfect for me. It answered my question and reaffirmed to me the importance of temple work.
On another note, only 3 more days until Leland comes! I am so excited to see him in person again. He is so amazing. He is so humble, hardworking and loving. I love him so much, and I can not wait until Wednesday!


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